Friday, 7 May 2010

Paris Pix

A pictorial/roughly chronological account of our time in Paris.

Basilique du Sacré-Coeur.

Arc de Triomphe from underneath (have you always wondered what that looked like?)

We went to le Tour Eiffel, both of us.

A view from the first level of the tower...

...And one from the second level (you can see La Défense in the distance).

Glorious steel and rivets, all the way to the top (we didn't go up there).

It was hella windy.

Louvre baby.

Notre Dame (no zombies to be found anywhere).

Rex liked the Meijer de Haan exhibition at le Musée d'Orsay...

...And hung out at this Université de Paris building (you can see the tip of Le Tour Eiffel in the distance - Oh la la!)

On the steps of Le Panthéon (I wasn't bored, just resting).

Le Jardin et Palais du Luxembourg.

Arènes de Lutèce, formerly a Roman arena, now used by French kids for football (foreground) and French grown-ups for pétanque (background).


  1. Did you speak a little Francais?

  2. I did my best but I sure have forgotten a lot! Still, I know more of that than I do German.
